Программа domus 3d
Программа domus 3d

The other part of the complex holds Hilton Garden Inn **** hotel. One part hosts offices and a retail function. The multifunctional purposes made us divide the building into two parts. As a result we have got a stepped building model which forms a gallery-type structure with a courtyard and walkable roofs. Working on the hotel architecture we’ve taken into account the rooms insolation regime. The building space is the so-called urban sculpture where anyone may use underground levels, walkable roofs, porches and other sightseeing platforms linked by crossway connections and other communication features.

программа domus 3d

The main architectural idea is that all public spaces are adapted for the city residents, so the complex benefits not only its users but also all the citizens. The functions are office, hotel, retail, restaurants, apartments, gym, terraces, parking. So the objective was to develop a structure which combines the interests of fundamentally different users and different recreation formats. When successful, mixed use developments establish an identity for a place through architecture. Our experience in designing mixed use buildings highlights two key factors: a stronger focus on user experience and atmosphere, and the colocation of allied or complementary services and facilities. The total building area is 28500 squared meters. Thus this project uses maximum of communicational capacity of the location. The project changes the quality of city environment in principle by saving pedestrians from routine necessity to walk round the new building, keeping them in their habitual way of life and forming positive attitude towards the new construction. The distribution of the complex functions is based upon the current pedestrians’ connections which we’ve carefully studied and wanted to preserve. It allows people of various ages and social origin to share the city space during a day and thus animate and fill it with life.

программа domus 3d

Well planned coordination and integration of residential, recreational and commercial spaces around public pedestrian zone are based on the “living space” principle of the town.


So the main task of the project is to create a new city block with full range of functions which correspond to modern views on comfort in urban environment. The crossroads formed by V.Kudrikos and Gediminas streets did not have any elements to close the architectural ensemble. After reviewing the visual axes, the interrelations between the surrounding vertical dominants and the foot traffic schemes we have discovered some challenges regarding the site. The multifunctional complex appears to be an important element of the urban environment structure. The built-up area is situated across the Embassy of Spain and the Lukiskes Square which is the largest square (4 hectares) in the city. The multifunctional complex is located in the historical center of Vilnius, Lithuania on the crossroads formed by V.Kudrikos street and major Gediminas Avenue.

Программа domus 3d